Sunday, June 26, 2011

And now... we wait. Again. {By R.}

Waiting is ok in this case, though.

I had my phone interview with the doctor last week. I expected a lot of "do you realize that X, Y, and Z can happen?" but instead heard a very detailed summary of what to expect in the next couple of months.

Because I know you're wondering... he basically said "You are going to give yourself a lot of shots in the stomach. These shots are very important. If you mess up the shots, we have to start all over at the beginning, which means more shots for you. So, if you have any questions about the shots - even at 2 am - call and ask so you don't mess it up."

No stress.

But first things first. I wait patiently while the doctors sync K's monthly cycle to mine, so that when I am ready to go in for the egg retrieval she is ready to accept the eggs. Well, not her. Her uterus. You guys knew what I meant, right?

This is the first time in my life that I have been looking forward to getting my period.



  1. Love the updates, even when it's just waiting!


  2. Ugh, shots in the stomach and periods? You are a very special person. Glad you at least got a doctor who talked you through it and encourages you to call.


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