Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Still Waiting - An Update

K went on a vacation and just got back this past weekend.

Why do you need to know that?

Because she got her period while she was on vacation, and wasn't able to get to the fertility clinic within the "magic three-day window" needed to start the donation process.

That means that we are still waiting.

One more month (that's not necessarily a bad thing).

We heard that the genetic testing my brother-in-law was required to do came back normal.

We heard that I will most likely be able to skip a trip across the country for the pre-donation counseling appointment, and instead speak to the doctor or counselor over the phone. I like this :) K and her husband are paying a lot of money for all of this, and it seemed that a cross country trip to the clinic for an hour long interview was an unnecessary expense. With Skype, who needs to meet in person anymore?

I came across a helpful article today at AskAnEggDonor.com. Her site is great, and I can't wait to take some time to read a little more.

Today I told my boss about the donation and how it might look regarding work and time off. I expected her to ask me to keep her in the loop, but instead she teared up and gave me a hug. I had absolutely no idea how to respond (so, true to myself, I rambled on and on). I feel completely awkward accepting praise with this. It's completely out of my comfort zone.

I would love your thoughts. I say thank you. I acknowledge that it is a big deal. I smile big.

What else can I say?


  1. I am sure it's hard to be humble. But for one family, you're providing such a miracle and a chance at something they wouldn't have been able to have otherwise. It is pretty amazing. So I think you'll have to get used to being treatedlike a super hero :)

  2. I agree with everything Amy said, as usual.
    The waiting has to be tough...



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