What's The Story?

This blog is co-authored by a known egg donor (R) and the recipient (K). After not finding enough information on the internet about known egg donation, we decided to start a blog to document our process.

We know that this process is different for everyone, and our hope is that our timeline and experience is helpful to others in our situation.


My sister-in-law (K) is my husband's sister. I have known K for over ten years and consider her to be my own sister. When I heard that she needed eggs in order to have a child, I offered mine.

That's the story.

K asked that the egg donation not be shared with her side of the family. But in order to donate my eggs, I had to tell some close friends. I am going to need help with childcare for appointments and such, and to be honest, I am one of those people who needs to bounce things off of friends every now and then. With something so significant going on in my life, I knew I would need to tell a few people.

I have chosen to tell friends who don't know my in-laws, and who I can trust not to post about the egg donation process on facebook. We don't live near any family at all, so this secret isn't going to be hard to keep from her side of the family.

When sharing the decision, I was met with a few questions. Well, actually, I was asked one question a few times.


My answer? Because I can. And because I want to.

I have something that she needs to start the process, and it seems selfish to keep it to myself.

I know that it's not going to be fun. I know that it involves many doctor's appointments, hormone injections, and at the end, an egg retrieval process on the other side of the country.

But if it results in the chance to give K and her husband a child? It seems like a no-brainer to me.